

Torta s kokosom i jagodama

Neskromno moram napisati kako je ova torta bila hit vikenda, a oni koji su ju probali komentirali su da je jedna od najboljih torti koje su ikada jeli. Sad kad sam to napisala i već u prvoj rečenici ju toliko nahvalila, moram priznati da sam i ja jako zadovoljna time kako mi je ispala. Ako tražite ljetnu hit tortu, svakako vam preporučam ovaj recept. Nema gustih biskvita, samo 4 lagane i pjenaste kore, a krema je san snova. Kombinacija je to kokosa, jagoda i prženih lješnjaka, a u kremi sam isprobala dva nova Dolcelina proizvoda: Premium puding kokos i Lino lada kokos. Ako imate priliku probati ovu novu Lino ladu, svakako to preporučam jer je savršena. Razmišljajući o okusima, „igrala“ sam sezonski i htjela uklopiti jagode u ovakvu tortu. Prvotna ideja bila je da napravim žele, ali sam odustala od toga jer su bile divne i slatke pa sam ih radije iskoristila svježe. Inače u ovakve nježne torte s ovakvim korama izbjegavam stavljati žele jer mi se nekako ne uklapa teksturom i nezgodno mi je rezati cijelu tortu (sloj želea ponekad klizi s kreme ili kore), ali neka pjenasta (mousse) krema s jagodama svakako bi također bila odličan izbor. Ako vam treba uredniji rez, bolja opcija bila bi mousse jer šnite svježih jagoda također znaju malo zapinjati pri rezanju. No, ovaj put mi to nije bilo bitno i nisam htjela odustati od svježeg voća :)

Kore x 4
  • 3 bjelanjka
  • 3 žlice šećera
  • 50 g lješnjaka, prženih i mljevenih
  • ½ žlice Dolcela Gussnela

Još je potrebno:
  • Svježe jagode za dekoraciju
  • Kokos za posipanje
  • 300 ml vrhnja za šlag

Za kore, lješnjake dobro popržite, ohladite, ogulite i sameljite. Bjelanjke umiksajte u čvrsti snijeg sa šećerom pa špatulom umiješajte lješnjake i Gussnel (škrobno brašno). Ravnomjerno rasporedite u okrugli kalup za tortu, obložen papirom za pečenje (promjer 26 ili 24 cm). Pecite 13-15 min. na 200 C. Navedene mjere su za 1 koru, nama trebaju 4, pa ponovite postupak dok ne dobijete 4 kore.
Žumanjke izmiksajte sa šećerom i pudinzima. Mlijeko zakuhajte. Kad provrije, dodajte mali dio žumanjcima kako biste ih temperirali, pa sve zajedno dodajte ostatku vrelog mlijeka. Kuhajte nekoliko minuta na laganoj vatri, miješajući pjenjačom da se ne naprave grudice, dok se krema ne zgusne. Pokrijte prozirnom folijom i pustite da se ohladi. U ohlađenu kremu umiksajte Lino ladu. Vrhnje izmiksajte u šlag i pomiješajte s kremom.
Jagode operite i narežite na šnite. 300 ml vrhnja izmiksajte u šlag.
Slaganje torte: Na pladanj za posluživanje stavite prvu koru, premažite ju kremom, po kremi složite kriške jagoda (jednu do druge). Na to premažite sloj šlaga. Zatim ide druga kora i ponavljamo postupak dok ne završimo s korom. Na kraju cijelu tortu premažite ostatkom kreme i ukrasite.
Torta neka odstoji jedan dan u hladnjaku, ili minimalno nekoliko sati.

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Torta od lješnjaka i jagoda

Ovo je sezonska torta, a jagode možete zamijeniti bilo kojim drugim bobičastim voćem, ovisno o sezoni. Iskoristite svježe voće dok ga ima!

Kao torta koju sam ranije radila u malo izmjenjenoj verziji, i ova je varijanta Milka torte s Natašinog bloga, ali opet malo drukčija. Uz ovakve voćne slastice uvijek radije kuham svjetle kreme od vanilije, no ova kombinira jednu takvu, i jednu čokoladnu, s obzirom da se čokolada i jagode jako vole. Također, kod ovakvih torti uvijek radije pečem nježne i tanke biskvite s bjelanjcima u kojima mljeveni orašasti plodovi zamjenjuju brašno, uz dodatak tek malo Gusnella s kojim bisvkit ispadne nježniji i rahliji nego s brašnom. Ova je torta kombinacija kombinacija i ikusi su savršeno izbalansirani, nije preslatka, a svaki se sastojak osjeti. Uživajte!

Biskvit x 4
  • 3 bjelanjka
  • 3 žlice šećera
  • 50 g mljevenih prženih lješnjaka
  • ½ žlice Dolcela Gussnela

  • 12 žumanjaka
  • 100 g šećera
  • 1 l mlijeka
  • 3 Dolcela pudinga od vanilije
  • 200 g tamne čokolade
  • 200 g maslaca
  • 300 ml vrhnja za šlag
  • 400 g jagoda

Navedene mjere su za jedan biskvit, trebate ukupno 4 biskvita, a svaki se peče posebno. Bjelanjke izmiksajte u čvrsti snijeg s prstohvatom soli i umiksajte šećer dok ne dobijete glatku i sjajnu pjenu. Lješnjake dobro popržite na tavi kako bi imali intenzivniju aromu, ogulite od kožice i sameljite. Umiješajte pjenjačom ili špatulom u snijeg od bjelanjaka, zajedno s Gusnellom. Smjesu ravnomjerno rasporedite u okrugli kalup promjera 24 ili 26 cm, kojeg ste obložili papirom za pečenje i namastili. Pecite na 200 C 15 min. Svi se biskviti trebaju dobro ohladiti prije premazivanja kremom.
Za kremu zakuhajte veći dio mlijeka sa šećerom, a u manjem dijelu razmutite pudinge i žumanjke. Kad je mlijeko provrilo, dodajte dio u smjesu pudinga i žumanjaka i izmješajte kako biste ju temperirali. Zatim dodajte ostatak vrelog mlijeka i stavite kuhati na laganu vatru, miješajući pjenjačom, dok se krema ne zgusne. Zatim uklonite s vatre i podijelite na dva jednaka dijela, a u jedan dio umiješajte sitno narezanu tamnu čokoladu. Posude u kojima je krema pokrijte prozirnom folijom i ostavite da se ohlade.
Maslac sobne temperature podijelite na dva jednaka dijela i pjenasto izmiksajte. Svaki dio dodajte u svaku polovicu ohlađene kreme.
Vrhnje izmiksajte u šlag. Jagode narežite na tanje ploške.
Slaganje torte: Na pladanj za posluživanje stavite prvu koru i na njega tamnu kremu, na nju svjetlu kremu. Na svjetlu kremu posložite ploške jagoda i premažite ih šlagom. Zatim ponavljamo postupak dok ne potrošimo sav materijal: kora-tamna krema-svjetla krema-jagode-šlag. Završimo korom, a malo kreme si ostavimo za premazivanje cijele torte. Ukrasite po želji.

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The Most Famous Dubrovnik Dessert: Ston Cake

The longest fortification system in the world after the Great Wall of China, the oldest salt works in Europe, and perhaps in the world are some of the trademarks of Ston. Ston is a small town located on the Peljesac Peninsula. Hailing from this walled town is a recipe that is sure to delight, if not confuse and intrigue – a cake made with pasta. 
A culture of life, its essence and its most subtle part certainly belongs to food. Cuisine of Dubrovnik area has long been one of the finest in Croatia and gained popularity all over the world. Tourists pour into this town not only to walk the famous wall and Game of Thrones filming locations, but also to enjoy culinary specialties. With its unusual appearance, this cake has long been a tourist attraction both in Ston and Dubrovnik and has been prepared for centuries. Stonska torta (Ston cake) has sweet and savoury elements that you either like or are challenged to try. This cake was made for festivities and celebrations (Christmas, Easter, weddings), as otherwise cakes were considered a luxury. People used pasta for the filling to economize on ingredients. Usually every household has its own traditional recipe. We are talking about a thin, unsweetened pastry that envelops a net of long macaroni (typically zitone or penne pasta), locally called makaruli, firmly compressed and mixed with nuts (most often almonds and walnuts), lemon zest, sugar, sometimes chocolate and butter, all bound with beaten eggs. The pastry can be made with lard, butter or olive oil. Sometimes grated or powdered chocolate is added to the filling, but you can omit it. The recipe is actually quite uncomplicated and you can easily try to make it at home.
You can check out the full article on

For the filling:
500 g zitone or penne pasta
zest from 1 lemon
2 tbsp rum
200 g ground walnuts
150 g ground almonds
100 g dark chocolate, finely grated
250 g sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
6 eggs
50 g sugar
250 g cold unsalted butter, thinly sliced

For the pastry:
400 g plain flour
¼ tsp salt
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp vinegar
100 ml water (approx)
2 tbsp olive oil
Combine the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl, then mix in the eggs, vinegar and water. Don’t add all the water at once as you may not need it all. Knead the dough for about 5 minutes until soft. Cover and set aside as you make the filling.
Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Cook the pasta for 7-8 minutes. Drain very well. Mix the ground walnuts, almonds, grated chocolate, sugar and cinnamon together. Set aside. Beat the eggs with 50 grams of sugar until foamy. Set aside.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease a 26cm springform cake tin and dust with flour. Roll the pastry into a circle big enough to fit into the base of the prepared tin, up the sides and enough overhang to go down the sides. Carefully lift the rolled pastry into the prepared tin. Sprinkle the nut filling into the base of the pastry-lined tin. Top with several slices of butter. Place a single layer of cooked pasta over the top, then sprinkle over more of the nut mixture. Dot with slices of butter. Be generous with the nut mixture as you use it. Repeat this process with the remaining pasta, nut mixture and butter, gently pressing down as you go. When you get to the top, evenly pour the beaten eggs over the filling. Gather the overhanging pastry over the filling. Press the pastry down and try to press out any air pockets you may hear squishing in there.
Rub a little butter over the pastry, place the tin into the oven and bake for about 1 hour, or until golden. Allow to cool in the tin before taking it out. Sprinkle with icing sugar, let cool completely and serve.
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Homemade pasta

I've partnered with for another recipe and I'm very excited about this one. Check out the original article here.
Crafting fresh noodles at home is much easier than you think. Pasta making has always been popular in households throughout Croatia, and Dubrovnik region is no exception. Its people often share memories of their grandmothers and mothers kneading tough pasta dough with their hands, using the freshest, free-range eggs and creating the most delicious pasta to be savored at family meals. In fact, one of Dubrovnik’s most popular traditional dishes is called “sporki makaruli”, or dirty macaroni (find the recipe here) The tradition has been passed on for ages and the idea of making fresh pasta from scratch has never actually been intimidating. Moreover, using fresh pasta makes a world of difference when it comes to turning out an all-star dish.

With certain dishes, the golden rule is the following: the less ingredients-the better. Pasta falls into this category, requiring only flour, salt and eggs. A quick chemistry lesson, guys: you can add a generous splash of olive oil, which coats the flour proteins and limits their ability to form gluten so the dough stays more elastic. If you make pasta without a pasta machine, you can also add extra egg yolks. Yolks are loaded with fat and emulsifiers that also limit gluten development—but because their proteins coagulate when heated, adding structure, they ensure that the pasta is strong enough to stay intact when boiled. If you extend a resting period to allow the gluten network to relax, you won’t have any trouble rolling out your dough by hand. When combining the ingredients, our grandmas taught us to use a fork, and always start with a mound of flour and dig a well in it with our fingers, so we can begin mixing the egg into the flour with no mess. If you own a pasta machine, let’s all solemnly swear to break out that dusty pasta maker that’s been stashed away on a high shelf and get rolling.

No matter which technique you use, I suggest shaping the dough into a cylinder, wrapping it in plastic wrap and letting it rest for one hour. Then divide it into several equal pieces and work with each one individually. Always shape it into a square, dust both sides with flour and roll it out with a rolling pin first. Then you can pull it through your pasta machine until you get the appropriate thickness and shape. Lastly, use your fingers to unfurl pasta, then transfer to a floured baking sheet. To make the macaroni shape, characteristic of Dubrovnik region, cut thin sheets of pasta into 1-1/2 inch (4 cm) strips, then into squares, and roll each one around a wooden spoon handle, or a clean pencil. Wrap one corner of the square around a pencil, and with gentle pressure, push it away from you until the pasta is completely wrapped around the pen. Slide the shaped pasta off the pen and repeat. You can cook it right away, or let dry a little. You can also freeze your fresh pasta in air-tight containers. Keep in mind that fresh or fresh-frozen pasta cooks much faster than dried pasta. A quick three- to four-minute boil in lightly salted water is all you need for a plateful of springy, flavorful homemade pasta. The sky is the limit with shapes and flavors, so take this base recipe and make it your own. If you are vacationing in Dubrovnik, make sure to try some of its delicious pasta dishes and get inspired to make them at home.

Basic pasta recipe:

2 cups flour, plus extra for rolling the pasta
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
1. Whisk together the flour and salt with a fork in a medium mixing bowl.

2. Create a deep well in the middle of the flour and crack the eggs into this well. Whisk the eggs with the fork to combine. As you whisk the eggs, begin gradually pulling in flour from the bottom and sides of the bowl. At first, the eggs will start to look like a slurry. Once enough flour has been added, it will start forming a very soft dough. Turn the dough and any excess flour out onto a clean counter. Begin gently folding the dough on itself, flattening, and folding again. It will be extremely soft at first, then gradually start to firm up. Once it’s firm enough to knead, begin kneading the dough. Incorporate more flour as needed to prevent the dough from sticking to you or the counter. The dough is kneaded when it forms a smooth elastic ball.
3. Clean and dry the mixing bowl. Place the ball of dough inside and cover with a dinner plate or plastic wrap. Rest for at least 30 minutes.
4. Sprinkle a baking sheet generously with flour and scrape the ball of dough on top (it will stick to the bowl; use a spatula or bowl scraper if necessary). Divide the dough into four equal portions. Dust the portions with flour and cover with a clean dishtowel.
5. Set your pasta machine to the thickest setting. Flatten one piece of dough into a disk (you can roll it out slightly with your rolling pin) and feed it through the pasta roller. Repeat once or twice. Fold this piece of dough into thirds, like folding a letter. With the pasta machine still on the widest setting, feed the pasta crosswise between the rollers. Feed it through once or twice more until smooth. If desired, repeat this folding step. This helps to strengthen the gluten in the flour, giving it a chewier texture when cooked.

 6. Begin changing the settings on your roller to roll the pasta thinner and thinner. Roll the pasta two or three times at each setting, and don’t skip settings (the pasta tends to snag and warp if you do). If the pasta gets too long to be manageable, lay it on a cutting board and slice it in half. Roll the pasta as thin as you like to go.
7. Cut the long stretch of dough into noodle-length sheets, usually about 12-inches. If making filled pasta or lasagna, proceed with shaping. If cutting into noodles, switch from the pasta roller to the noodle cutter, and run the sheet of pasta through the cutter. Toss the noodles with a little flour to keep them from sticking and gather them onto a baking sheet. Cover with a towel while you finish rolling and cutting the rest of the dough. Cook in a large pan of salted water.
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Mini pavlova sa šumskim voćem

Toplo vrijeme koje je, nadam se, pred nama (nešto se zavukla ova zima) uvijek je pravo vrijeme za pavlovu.
Pavlova je torta porijeklom iz Australije ili Novog Zelanda (još ostaje dogovoriti se čija je), a ime je dobila u čast ruske balerine Ane Pavlove koja je 1926. imala turneje po Australiji i Novom Zelandu (tako kaže internet). Koja god da je pozadinska priča ovog deserta, ako volite meringu, odnosno sušene kore od bjelanjaka, pavlovu ćete obožavati. Izvana je hrskava, iznutra lagano mekana, a nadjev je tradicionalno jednostavan: tučeno slatko vrhnje, malo vanilije i voće. Vi tu možete napraviti hrpu različitih kombinacija, pa i dodati čokoladu, instant kavu ili kakao u kore (pripazite da poravnate količinu ostalih sastojaka u odnosu na kakao), umjesto šlaga koristiti kremu od vanilije (u tom slučaju već smo na temi "ledeni vjetar"). Šumsko voće nam još nije u sezoni pa sam koristila zamrznuto, svakako koristite svježe kad ga bude, a za slaganje katova ukuhala sam voće u umak. Umjesto ovakvih individualnih porcija, možete napraviti jednu veliku tortu. Obično se pavlova radi od jedne velike, visoke kore u sredinu koje stavljate šlag ili voće, ali ja sam ju napravila od tankih kora na nekoliko katova.
O izradi meringe i puslica te nekoliko različitih tipova tj. načina izrade pisala sam ranije u ovom postu. Za sušenje ovih kora najbolje bi bilo kada biste uključili ventilatorsku opciju na pećnici, uštedjet ćete si dosta vremena. U kore za pavlovu dodajemo ocat ili limunov sok te Gussnel, tj. kukuruzni šrkob jer oni doprinose stabilnijoj pjeni od bjelanjaka i tome da kora nakon sušenja iznutra bude lagano mekana, a izvana hrskava. Malo ovog nježnog škroba produžit će bolje trajanje ovih kora (ako ste radili barem ledeni vjetar, znate kako ovakve kore inače nakon stajanja puste malo vode, a ako stavite tek žličicu Gussnela, to ćete uspješno izbjeći!
Evo još nekoliko recepata s bloga za sve ljubitelje ovakvih kolača i beze kora:

Pavlova s dinjom i umakom od bosiljka
Beze tortice s čokoladom i bananama
Torta od kave i čokolade
Torta s beze korama, bananom i mliječnom čokoladom
Beze kolačići
Meringue torta od vanilije i malina
Beze torta s nugatom (Vatel torta)
Ledeni vjetar

Kore (količina za 5 mini kora):

  • 2 bjelanjka
  • prstohvat soli
  • 200 g šećera
  • 1 žličica Dolcela Gussnela
  • 1/2 žličice limunovog soka
Bjelanjke izmiksajte s prstohvatom soli u čvrsti snijeg pa postepeno umiksajte šećer. Na kraju umiksajte Gusnell i limunov sok. 
Veliki pleh obložite papirom za pečenje na kojemu nacrtajte 5 manjih krugova. U vrećicu za ukrašavanje (s okruglim ili zvjezdastim otvorom) stavite šaum od bjelanjaka i istiskujte po obruču nacrtanog kruga te ispunite sredinu (želite dobiti 5 punih krugova). Sušite oko sat vremena na 80/90 C na ventilatorskoj opciji pećnice.
Šumsko voće zakuhajte s vanilin šećerom i šećerom ili medom dok se ne otopi i malo reducira u umak. 
Vrhnje izmiksajte u šlag.
Slaganje: na svaku koru vrećicom za ukrašavanje (s istim otvorom kojeg ste koristili za kore) istisnite šlag i stavite umak od šumskog voća. na kraju po vrhu možete staviti voće koje niste ukuhali u umak.

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