

Čokoladna mousse torta

Danas vam donosim recept za jednu rođendansku tortu. Torta je turbo čokoladna, ali kremu sam željela napraviti malo prozračnijom, poput moussea, iako to nije mousse u klasičnom smislu. Kada radite ovakve kreme, umjesto standardnog miksanja kuhane kreme s maslacem, preporučam da izostavite maslac i kremi dodate tučeno slatko vrhnje (šlag). Rezultat je jako ukusan, a krema je prozračnija, zanimljivija.
Već su neko vrijeme ovakve glazure koje cure hit za ukrašavanje torti (tzv. chocolate ganache drip cake) pa vam u nastavku donosim i nekoliko savjeta kako napraviti što ljepšu glazuru i ovakav ukras.

Ova je glazura nešto drukčija od one koju radim, primjerice, za mađaricu (kada koristim 100 g tamne čokolade i 1-2 žlice ulja).

  • Za ovakvo ukrašavanje preferiram čokoladni ganache (čokolada + slatko vrhnje), ali možete koristiti smjesu čokolade i maslaca. Omjer čokolade i vrhnja za ovakvu glazuru je 1:1. Dakle, jednaka količina čokolade i vrhnja.
  • Prije stavljanja glazure, tortu dobro ohladite, kako vam glazura ne bi rastopila kremu kojom ste premazali tortu. Također, glazuru nemojte stavljati odmah nakon što ga napravite, pustite ga 5-10 min. da se prohladi. Dakle, prevruća glazura previše će zacuriti i napraviti nered na tacni na kojoj stoji torta i potencijalno otopiti kremu kojom ste premazali tortu, prehladna glazura neće dovoljno curiti i nećete ju moći razmazati. 
  • Istu glazuru možete napraviti s bijelom čokoladom i po želji ju obojati jestivom bojom.
  • Kako biste nanijeli glazuru i dobili ovakav efekt, preporučam najprije raditi na rubu torte. Glazuru stavim u vrećicu za ukrašavanje kojoj vrlo malo odrežem vrh (tako da dobijem maleni otvor) i zatim ju nanosim po rubu torte, u krug. Na kraju glazuru nanesem na sami vrh torte i pažljivo ju razmažem špatulom (može i žlicom). Ukoliko primjetite mjehuriće zraka na glazuri, možete podignuti tortu i vrlo lagano lupiti tacnom o stol.

Biskvit x2

Za natopiti biskvit:
  • 200 ml mlijeka
"Mousse" krema:

1. Za biskvit, odvojite bjelanjke od žutanjaka. Žutanjke pjenasto izmiksajte sa šećerom, pa im dodajte kipuću vodu i mlijeko te maslac kojeg ste otopili na pari skupa s čokoladom. Brašno pomiješajte sa solju, sodom, kakaom i praškom za pecivu, dodajte smjesi. Bjelanjke izmiksajte u snijeg u ručno umiješajte u smjesu. Meni je ovo bila mjera za 1 biskvit kojeg sam prerezala na pola, a radila sam ukupno dva takva u okruglom kalupu promjera 26 cm, tako da sam na kraju dobila 4 biskvita. Pecite na 180 C 40 min. Izvadite da se potpuno ohladi.
2. Ugrijte mlijeko i prelijte biskvite.
3. Za kremu, ugrijte mlijeko sa šećerom i vanilin šećerom. Dio mlijeka odvojite i u njemu razmutite Gussnel. Ugrijanom mlijeku dodajte čokoladu, miješajte dok se ne otopi, pa pridodajte smjesu s Gussnelom. Kuhajte na laganoj vatri, stalno miješajući pjenjačom, dok ne zgusne poput pudinga. U ovom trenutku možete dodati malo ruma . Kremu pokrijte prozirnom folijom kako se ne bi stvorila korica pa ostavite da se potpuno ohladi.

4. Slatko vrhnje izmiksajte u mekši šlag. Ohlađenu kremu razradite mikserom pa u nju umiksajte šlag. Premažite biskvite kremom i ukrasite po želji.
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Dubrovnik's chocolate orange cake

Dubrovnik area is famous for its bitter oranges. Bitter orange has played an important role in the cuisine of the town. People have planted this fruit for ages in their garden in front of mansions and houses as a decoration, and the fruit and leaves have been used in cooking, as spice and for medicinal purposes ever since. Bitter orange was a staple on local markets, where it appeared as early as the 12th century. Every weekend roast was followed by an orange and tea made from its leaves. Some of the well-known Dubrovnik dishes made with this lovely fruit are orange marmalade, orange cake, orange liqueur, orange juice, candied orange peel (arancini). As the famous folk saying goes, “Orange juice is gold in the morning, silver in the noon, bronze in the evening.” Orange blossoms were traditionally worn on special occasions, such as engagement parties and weddings. Gifting oranges was the ultimate sign of love and respect. 
Cakes in Dubrovnik are often made using this fruit and almonds. This one is a slightly more modern version of the traditional recipe. It is moist and delicious and very easy to prepare. You can use regular sweeter oranges as well. 


For the cake: 
  • 125 g unsalted butter
  • 375 g dark chocolate
  • 175 g sugar
  • 35 g all-purpose flour
  • 120 g ground almonds
  • 2 tbsp orange juice
  • 5 eggs
  • ½ tsp orange zest
For candied orange slices: 
  • 1 orange, sliced
  • 1 cup (225 g) sugar
  • 1 cup (235 ml) water

Steps :

Preheat the oven to 170 C (338 F).
Line a 24 or 26 cm diameter springform pan with parchment paper. Whisk whole eggs with sugar. Melt butter with chocolate over low heat and add to the egg mixture. Add orange juice and zest- Sift flour with ground almonds and add to the mixture. Combine.
Pour the mixture into the prepared springform pan. Bake for 40 minutes. The cake should still be slightly moist in the middle. Let cool completely. Dust it with the cocoa powder and decorate with candied orange slices.
For the candied orange slices, you should combine water and sugar in a skillet and bring it to a boil. Add the orange slices and cook over moderate heat, turning them occasionally, until the liquid is reduced to a thin syrup and the orange slices are translucent, about 20 minutes. Reduce the heat to moderately low and simmer until the syrup is thick and the slices are tender but still intact, turning occasionally, about 10 minutes. Transfer the orange slices to a rack to cool.
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Dubrovnik rozata

The most popular dessert in Dubrovnik is called Rozata. Sometimes also called rozada, it is a custard pudding hailing from the Dubrovnik region, particularly popular in the warmer summer months. When explaining the philosophy behind this dessert, people usually tend to compare it to creme brulee or flan. But every Dubrovnik native will tell you that this dessert is incomparable to any other. Let us call it a silky scented pudding drowning in pools of caramel. You can also read the article and recipe on goDubrovnik.

The first records of rozata date back to the time of Venetians, when it was known as “the friar's pudding”. Despite the influences of the Venetian and Ottoman Empire, the recipe has been passed down for generations and its originality has been successfully preserved. Its name comes from a unique Dubrovnik rose liqueur called Rozalin, which gives the dessert its special flavor. However, a lot of local recipes offer a variation, adding raisins and/or nuts and rum. Rozata can be found in almost every restaurant in the city. However, it is not difficult to make yourself and surprise your guests with a little bit of Dubrovnik on your table. A very short ingredient list makes it even more popular.

Let's talk chemistry. Rozata is always baked at low temperatures in a water bath. Exposing it to a high temperature will result in cooked eggs and a hollow and bubbly structure. The proper consistency is creamy, whereas mousse-like appearance is not acceptable. It is also necessary to make rozata in high modules (never use springform pans because the liquid filling would run out through the cracks) in a larger pan filled with boiling water. It is the so called bain marie technique that creates a gentle and uniform heat around the custard. While baking in the oven, the water creates a barrier between the custard and the direct heat of the oven, helping the custard cook slowly and evenly. This is the key to getting a creamy consistency without curdled eggs. Water baths are most often used for egg-based dishes. The proteins in the eggs are very heat sensitive and only need to be warmed to cook thoroughly. Cooking them with a slow, gentle heat keeps the eggs soft and smooth.

 For the caramel:
  • 7 tbsp sugar

For rozata:
  • 500 ml milk
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 tbsp vanilla sugar
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp rose liqueur (or dark rum)

For the caramel, place sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over low heat and let it dissolve. Increase the heat to medium-high and boil until it turns golden brown. Do not stir, do not put water in it. Remove from heat and carefully divide the caramel among 4 ramekins. Be quick because the caramel hardens really fast.  Let cool.
Preheat the oven to 150°C.
In a saucepan, combine milk and 6 tbsp sugar, stirring constantly until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, whisk together eggs and vanilla sugar. The key is to whisk the mixture  just until it comes together making sure it doesn’t froth. Add lemon zest and rose liqueur and stir just to combine. Pour the milk in. Strain the custard through a thick sieve and pour into 4 ramekins. Place the ramekins in a baking dish and pour boiling water into the baking dish until 2/3 of the way up the sides of the ramekins. Be careful not to get any water on the custard.
Bake for 35 minutes, or until the custards are almost fully set. Remove from the oven and from the hot water bath. Let them cool to room temperature, then refrigerate overnight.
To serve, invert the custards onto serving plates and serve immediately.

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Kolač od sira i limuna

Ljeto je, iako još ne kalendarski, ali vjerujem da se slažete kako je savršeno vrijeme za osvježavajuće kolače bez pečenja.
Podloga ovog kolača u principu je ista kao za čiz, a krema je parfeasta/sirasta :) Po vrhu možete poslagati voće o izboru, a možete ga i ukuhati u voćni umak, ili svježe voće zaliti preljevom. Najbolje da kolač napravite minimalno nekoliko sati prije nego ga planirate poslužiti. Ja sam ga u nedostatku vremena pustila da se hladi 2 sata pa mi se malo teže odvojio od kalupa. No, ako nemate vremena, preporučam da kalup obložite prozirnom ljepljivom folijom i lakše ćete ga odlijepiti od kreme.


  • 190 g keksa s maslacem (petit)
  • 90 g maslaca
Voće po izboru

Kekse sameljite i pomiješajte s maslacem pa utisnite u kalup. Stavite u hladnjak dok pripremite kremu.
Kremasti sir izmiksajte sa šećerom u prahu. Dodajte sok pola limuna i vanilin šećer. Vrhnje za šlag posebno umutite i sjedinite sa sirom. Želatinu pripremite po uputi s vrećice i umiješajte ju u kremu.
Kremu ravnomjerno rasporedite po podlozi od keksa. Po kolaču složite voće i ostavite nekoliko sati u hladnjaku prije posluživanja.
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